Etl sas interview questions
Etl sas interview questions

etl sas interview questions

  • Typically, users will not have the appropriate privilege to directly add or update metadata directly in a change-managed repository.
  • The Project tree contains any metadata that has been checked out of the change-managed repository and any new metadata objects that have been added.
  • Metadata in the Project repository which is displayed in the Project tree.

    etl sas interview questions

    When you open a metadata profile whose default repository is change-managed, metadata in the change-managed repository is displayed in the Inventory tree and the Custom tree.The following is a general description of what it is like to work under change-management control in SAS ETL Studio. >An Example of working with change-management in SAS ETL Studio >In SAS ETL Studio, the change management facility enables multiple SAS ETL Studio users to work with the same metadata repository at the same time – without overwriting each other’s changes. Learn more about our SAP BI Training Videos to get ahead in your career. creation of jobs that specify how data is extracted, transformed, and loaded from a source to a target.specification of metadata for targets – the tables and other data stores in a data warehouse.specification of metadata for sources, such as tables in an operational system.SAS ETL Studio is an application that enables you to manage ETL process flows by allowing: the Loading of the extracted data into your data warehouse or data mart.the Extraction of data from operational data stores.SAS ETL Studio enables you to perform the following tasks:


    Users can standardize metadata across the organization and perform in-depth transformations with minimal programming or manual work to meet enterprise data integration requirements and to support business and analytic intelligence. Sas ETL studio, a Java application, is a visual design tool that helps organizations quickly build, implement, and manage ETL processes from source to destination, regardless of the data sources or platforms. SAS ETL Studio CaseStudy Tasks in SAS BI.SAS ETL Studio CaseStudy – Create a Logical Grouping and Adding a Library Definition in SAS BI.SAS ETL Studio CaseStudy – Adding A Source Table Definition In SAS BI.Creating and Registering a SAS Stored Process - SAS BI.Advanced SAS ETL Studio Features (Self-Study) - SAS BI.Overview of SAS OLAP Cube Studio - SAS BI.SAS ETL Studio CaseStudy – Defining a New Job in SAS BI.SAS ETL Studio CaseStudy – Adding a Target Table Definition in SAS BI.How SAS Management Console Works - SAS BI.Introduction to SAS Management Console Plug-Ins & User Interface - SAS BI.Introduction to the SAS Management Console - SAS BI.Browser Client In The SAS Business Intelligence Platform.


  • Overview of SAS Business Intelligence Windows Client Tools.
  • SAS Business Intelligence Platform Overview - SAS BI.
  • SAS OLAP Cube Studio Interface - SAS BI.
  • SAS OLAP Cube Studio and Microsoft Excel - SAS BI.
  • An Overview of SAS Stored Processes - SAS BI.
  • Working with OLAP Cubes in SAS Enterprise Guide.
  • Creating a Stored Process from a SAS ETL Studio Job - SAS BI.
  • New Features of SAS Enterprise Guide 3 - SAS BI.
  • Exploring SAS Enterprise Guide - SAS BI.
  • Using the SAS Stored Process Manager - SAS BI.
  • Overview of the SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office - SAS BI.
  • Using the SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office - SAS BI.
  • Overview of the SAS Information Map Studio - SAS BI.
  • Using SAS Information Map Studio - SAS BI.
  • Overview of SAS Web Report Studio - SAS BI.
  • Overview of the SAS Information Delivery Portal - SAS BI.
  • Using the SAS Information Delivery Portal - SAS BI.

  • Etl sas interview questions